Friday, October 29, 2010

Work Day

I know it is late notice, but if anyone is around Saturday (10.30) at 10 am, I will be at the course with bags of concrete that need to be poured in 6-7 tee sign holes where the poles were not correctly placed the first time.  Also, if anyone has seen a green tee sign post laying around, please let me know.  we are missing one on #18.

Other little projects include:  clearing around a couple of  tees and trails to tees.  bring your clippers!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Picked up a new sponsor

you never know what you'll come up with at the disc golf course.  last week, I was doing a little maintenance and met Jim.  Jim is retired and inquisitive and enthusiastic about people...especially his friends.  Jim wrote a check on the spot to sponsor a hole in his friends realty company's name.  Thanks Jim!  you are awesome.

Basil and the sign company are getting the kinks worked out and tee signs are coming.  No word from Duke Energy on the Pavilion/ starting point.  There are new "next tee" sign on the course, so navigation should be easier for newbies.

I've been asked about doing a fund raiser ace run on November 13.  Mark your calendars for some fun and prizes.