Saturday, March 26, 2011

News from the Trails

Quick report from the Trails DGC -

During installation we actually installed hole number 3 on a piece of property not belonging to the county.  so as of today hole number 3 is out of play.  I will be pulling the basket and sign this week.  The neighbor has had issues with people way over into his backyard and is installing a barbed wire fence and no trespassing signs.  He's a good guy, just tired of people leaving trash, making a lot of un-needed noise and "exploring" way to far off the course onto his land.

Another result will be the relocation of the basket on number 2.  We have identified an alternative pin placement to the left of the trail - so that mean some clearing will need to be done along with a few trees to be cut.  Still no definite location of a new number 3.

Also, the county has asked me to remind you all that the area is a NO ALCOHOL area. If you see on the ground please put it in the trash.  If you are used to carrying it with you, please stop.  If you are caught with it open or closed you will be fined and the more this happens, the more likely they will shut down the access to the course.

Tee signs are coming as well as a map sign, although I will wait on it until we know how and where we will relocate a new hole.

Thanks for your help and understanding


Monday, March 21, 2011

work day

hey guys we need to do some clean up and trash pick up and some greenery clearing before spring truly brings out the poinson oak.  who's up for work day on Saturday March 26?  10ish?

also - fyi - there may be a property boundry issue on the trails wih hole number 3.  evidentally the county does not own the property there.  I am meeting with the land owner later this week

Monday, March 7, 2011

Trails DGC Update

Update - tee signs 10-18 going in this week and the map sign is close behind.  Still looking for 4 sponsors - if you got a connection with a company or you just need a tax credit - the sponsorship is tax deductable! $500 for a 3 year deal.

We need to plan a work day to do some maintenance - chop some trees, clear some areas around tees and baskets.  what is better for you guys?  Saturday or Sunday?  TIme change happens this week so evenings will have more light too.  I am game for Saturday early or a Tuesday/ Wednesday at 5:30 kind of thing.

Let me know what you think.

Reminder:  Pick up trash as you are on the course

Looking at an April date for our next outing - maybe Aprl 16,23 or 30?

I got TRails Discs that will help us have funds for ongoing maintenance - it is sketch of hole # 2 done by Keith Freelin. They are Gateway Wizard SS putters - for $15 you get one of these to hang on your wall bang the chains along with a matching mini marker disc.

There is buzz from the city of Anderson about either removing the 9 hole course at Darwin Wright Park and relocating it to a city park near downtown Anderson or trying to get permits from the Arm Corp of Engineers to clear an area of trees and underbrush along the lake at Darwin Wright to get the course away from the repopulated park area.